La dieta 90-30-50 promossa dalla dietista americana Courtney Kassis prevede l’assunzione giornaliera di minimo 90 grammi di proteine, circa 30 grammi di fibre e circa 50 grammi di grassi insaturi. Attraverso piani nutrizionali pre-impostati o personalizzati, a seconda delle esigenze del cliente, Kassis promette una perdita di peso significativa. Come spiegato sui suoi canali social, pieni di video esemplificativi, il programma nutrizionale base si articola in tre piani di alimentazione, ciascuno della durata di circa un mese, con la possibilità di inserire alimenti privi di glutine o lattosio.
@dietitianwithtwins The 90-30-50 method has been a total game-changer on my health journey. Comment *90-30-50* and I will send you my FREE guide to getting Fit & Festive in 4 Weeks with my 90-30-50 method ✨ For YEARS I followed restrictive diets and was SO frustrated at my lack of progress. My thyroid levels were extremely imbalanced (my TSH was 18 before starting this method!!!), I had so many cravings, was always tired and I had such a hard time losing weight. Since then, I’ve completely transformed my nutrition plan to follow the 90-30-50 method: – 90 grams of protein – 30 grams of fiber – 50 grams of healthy fats Together, these nutrients work to increase metabolism, support fat-burning processes, promote satiety, balance blood sugar & increase lean muscle mass: ALL of which support optimal health & weight loss goals. Now, my energy levels are high, cravings are non-existent & my body fat percentage is down 2% since last year. Not to mention my Hashimoto’s is currently in remission. I’ve continue to follow this method for over a year now and have been able to maintain these goals. Now, I hope hundreds of clients reach their health & weight loss goals with this method, too. Ready to get started?! Here’s how 👇🏻 ✨ Fall Reset Program (FULL PROGRAM includes meal plans, supplement recommendations, downloadable resources, videos & more to guide you through the program) is 30% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! ✨ Fall Reset Program (MEAL PLANS ONLY; no additional resources) is 10% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! ✨ Winter Reset Program (MEAL PLANS ONLY; no additional resources; access to plans begins on 12/4) is 10% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! First 🔗 in bio for more information about pricing & what’s included in the Fall Reset OR DM me ‘FALL RESET’ for more information about the program!! #bloodsugarbalance #hormonebalance #weightlosstips #weightlosstipsforwomen #highproteindiet #903050 #weightlossplan #mealplanning #hormoneimbalance #signsofhormoneimbalance #pcosweightloss #prediabetes #insulinresistance ♬ exes – Tate McRae
Come spiega in un video su Tiktok, Kassis ha impostato questo particolare schema nutrizionale per perdere peso e tenere sotto controllo una malattia autoimmune di cui soffre, una patologia tiroidea, la sindrome di Hashimoto. I risultati ottenuti (6 chili persi in 3 mesi, calo del 2% di massa grassa) hanno poi spinto Kassis a fare della sua esperienza personale un metodo con cui aiutare gli altri a raggiungere obiettivi simili ai suoi. Ovviamente la donna nei suoi video avverte che i risultati non sono garantiti e che dipendono da persona a persona.
In un altro breve video, Kassis spiega la filosofia a base della sua dieta: smettere di concentrarsi sulla quantità di calorie assunte e focalizzarsi invece sui nutrienti; la cosa fondamentale, infatti, è prima di tutto raggiungere il senso di sazietà: Le proteine sono fondamentali per stabilizzare i livelli di zucchero nel sangue; in caso di sbilanciamenti, si è spinti all’over – eating e all’assunzione incontrollata di zuccheri discorso analogo per le fibre e i grassi insaturi; analogamente, si avrà anche un cambio di mentalità; ciò che conta nella dieta è aggiungere nutrienti, non rimuovere del cibo. In uno dei suoi video, Kassis racconta di essersi sottoposta per anni a diete restrittive, che le causavano continuo appetito e stanchezza cronica.
@dietitianwithtwins Replying to @Samantha Baker Here’s why the 90-30-50 method helps so many of my clients not only take the weight off, but keep it off – for good. 1️⃣Protein: the most satiating nutrient. By aiming for 90 grams of protein minimum daily, we are prioritizing foods that keep us full. Protein reduces hunger hormones telling the body you are satiated and balances blood sugar preventing that blood sugar rollercoaster that typically leads to cravings and overeating. Also prioritizing fiber and fat. 2️⃣We are NOT restricting. Of course, if your goal is weight loss we do the 90 30 50 method in a calorie deficit, but we follow an addition mentality, not restriction. 3️⃣The benefits keep you motivated to keep going! Looking for plans that follow my 90-30-50 method to help YOU reach your healthy fat, protein & fiber goals?! You can now grab the Summer Reset program, which includes 3 months worth of nutrient-dense meal plans that follow this method for ✨ 50% off ✨. The Summer Reset is now 50% off because this round **will not** be including the 1:1 coaching. Link in bio to enroll ✨ These plans are not customized, but created with the goal of weight loss, improved lean muscle mass & metabolic support. ✨ Recipes with REAL food ✨ Three 4-week meal plans ✨ Gluten-free, gluten-free dairy-free, and gluten-free plant-based plans available ✨ Supplement recommendations included ✨ Plans follow the 90-30-method Looking for a more customized plan that is tailored to your individualized needs? DM ✨meal plan✨ for more information about what’s included & pricing! #bloodsugarbalance #hormonebalance #weightlosstips #weightlosstipsforwomen #highproteindiet #903050 #dietitiantips ♬ Good Vibes (Instrumental) – Ellen Once Again
Nel suo ricchissimo profilo Tiktok, Kassis condivide anche alcuni piani nutrizionali esemplificativi (chiamati Summer Reset, per l’estate, e Fall Reset, per l’autunno). Possiamo quindi osservare in concreto in cosa consiste uno dei programmi nutrizionali creati ad hoc per un cliente.
@dietitianwithtwins Sample full day of eating using the 90-30-50 method👆🏻 Looking for plans that follow my 90-30-50 structure? You can now grab the Summer Reset program, which includes 3 months worth of nutrient-dense meal plans that follow this method for ✨ 50% off ✨. The Summer Reset is now 50% off because this round **will not** be including the 1:1 coaching. Link in bio to enroll ✨ These plans are not customized, but created with the goal of weight loss, improved lean muscle mass & metabolic support. ✨ Recipes with REAL food ✨ Three 4-week meal plans ✨ Gluten-free, gluten-free dairy-free, and gluten-free plant-based plans available ✨ Supplement recommendations included ✨ Plans follow the 90-30-method Looking for a more customized plan that is tailored to your individualized needs? DM ✨meal plan✨ for more information about what’s included & pricing! #bloodsugarbalance #hormonebalance #weightlosstips #weightlosstipsforwomen #highproteindiet #903050 #dietitiantips ♬ Good Vibes (Instrumental) – Ellen Once Again
Esso si compone di tre pasti principali, più uno spuntino, suddivisi in modo da garantire l’assunzione minima dei nutrienti.
Per il Summer Reset troviamo ad esempio, al mattino, uno yogurt proteico ai mirtilli, seguito a pranzo da un’insalata di scampi; a metà giornata, un frullato d’ananas e spinaci, per poi concludere la sera con un paio di semplici tacos di pollo.